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  • Workplace bullying/hostile work environment – what measures can we put in place to help prevent it?
    Workplace bullying is a continuous issue in the work place. A recent survey found that 27 percent of adults have experienced bullying in the workplace. The group defines bulling as “repeated abusive conduct that is threatening, intimidating, humiliating, work sabotage or work abuse. Listed below are some practical solutions for preventing workplace bullying and a hostile work environment. Implement a workplace bullying policy. Demonstrate that you will enforce the anti-bullying policy, ensuring offenders will be disciplined and terminated if necessary. Provide comprehensive anti-bullying training to all employees and supervisors. Each employee should be required to sign a verification acknowledging they have read and understood the policy. Put a complaint procedure in place and be vigilant about responding to all allegations of bullying. Distribute and communicate the policy to all employees, and they should be given an opportunity to ask questions. In addition, to educating and providing this policy during the employee’s orientation, it is also important to do a yearly refresher training.
  • Do I need to provide a part-time employee an employment contract?
    Yes, employment contracts should be provided to all employees hired regardless of position or category. The employment contract covers provisions such as compensation, benefits, position duties and job title. It also includes a code of ethical conduct and provisions dealing with termination of employment, non-solicitation and restricted covenants, inventions and discoveries, confidentiality and exclusive efforts. It’s designed to provide you with every protection you need in today’s complex and legal world of work.
  • Do I really need job descriptions for my employees? Are they legally required?
    Writing job descriptions is an important step in planning your staffing programs. They form the foundation for many important processes such as job postings, recruitment and selection, setting expectations, compensation, training and performance management. Job descriptions should give a brief overview of the role, how it relates to your company vision, a list of key responsibilities, requirements and qualifications. Job descriptions serve as communication tools that allow both employees and candidates to clearly understand the expectations of the role, its essential duties, and the required competencies, educational credentials, and experience for the role. While maintaining job descriptions is not required by law, doing so can help your organization stay in compliance with many existing employment laws such as ESA-Employment Standards Act, Human Rights and Occupational Health and Safety regulations.
  • What is the importance of having an employee handbook/policy manual in my organization?
    Having the employee handbook/policy is a great tool which sets out rules, guidelines and policies for both the employer and the employee. This can also assist the employer should a complaint be brought forward. To be effective, the employee handbook needs to be communicated to the new hire during orientation. Secondly, the employee is required to sign and acknowledge that they received and understood the contents of the document. Some must have policies to begin with are: AODA Policy (Ontario only) Employee Code of Conduct Policy Performance Management Policy Confidentiality Policy Harassment & Violence in the workplace Policy Health and Safety Policy Attendance Management Policy Leave of Absence Policy Termination Policy
  • How can I retain my employees and keep them motivated?
    Employees are a critical component to every organization, and their morale and motivation can be the difference between high levels of profitability and barely getting by. To begin with you will want to understand what your employees need to be fully engaged. This will vary from one business to another. A suggestion would be to conduct an employee survey or holding focus groups to learn more about your employees’ needs. Listed below are some tips for retention and motivation of your employees: Empowerment – allow your employees to succeed by helping them to become accountable in the work and be engaged in the process. Encourage employees to provide input when making changes that directly impact jobs, and allow your people the ability to be in control of their work. Development – Help employees grow in their current positions. Establish performance goals that encourage employees to learn new skills. Wherever possible, cross-train employees so they can make a lateral move should another internal position open up. Communication – Employees want open feedback, support and sincerity from their managers. Take the time to get to know your employees and provide them with the support they will need to flourish in their role.
  • Top reasons why you need HR in your organization?
    For small businesses and large organizations alike, the human resources function can be helpful for much more than simply processing payroll or handling the open enrollment season once a year. Human resources play a vital role in developing a company’s strategy as well as handling the employee-centered activities of an organization. What are the benefits of having Human Resources? Highlights and reduce potential risks You are able to focus on your core business, and align your business plan with company’s vision Manage conflict Resolution Increased employee satisfaction Reduce employee turnover Improved Business Image Increased cost savings and budget control Grounded principles
  • Why do I need to have an onboarding/orientation plan in place?
    Studies have shown that 90 percent of employees decide whether they will stay at an organization within the first 6 months on the job. An effective orientation program is an ongoing process, allowing the employee time to assimilate all the required information. It is a critical tool in making employees feel part of the organization and increasing employee engagement and loyalty. A well-planned orientation is beneficial for both the new employee and the organization. A thorough program: Shortens the new employee’s learning curve, increasing productivity and reducing errors Facilitates compliance with company policies and procedures Improves job satisfaction and retention Promotes communication between managers and staff. For more information on purchasing an effective orientation plan, visit our Store.
  • Why is diversity important in the workplace? And what are the benefits?
    Diversity is important in the workplace for a variety of reasons. Having diversity in the workplace means employing individuals whose ethnicity, gender, background, experiences, abilities, skills, age, and opinions are varied. Evidence has shown that managing a diverse work force can contribute to increased staff retention and productivity. It can also add to the organizations responsiveness to an increasingly diverse world of customers, improve relations with surrounding community and increase the organizations ability to cope with change, and be creative. According to a recent study, the top 10 Economic Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace is as follows: A diverse workforce drives economic growth. A diverse workforce can capture a greater share of the consumer market. Recruiting from a diverse pool of candidates means a more qualified workforce. A diverse and inclusive workforce helps businesses avoid employee turnover costs. Diversity fosters a more creative and innovative workforce. Businesses need to adapt to our changing nation to be competitive in the economic market. Diversity is a key aspect of entrepreneurialism. Diversity in business ownership is key to moving our economy forward. Diversity in the workplace is necessary to create a competitive economy in a globalized world. Diversity in the boardroom is needed to leverage a company’s full potential
  • What advice can you provide regarding the termination meeting with a departing employee?
    Terminating an employee’s employment is serious business. It can have far reaching consequences for the company including significant legal implications. Therefore, it’s important that it be given careful and thoughtful consideration. To begin with it starts with the preparing for the discussion, such as booking the meeting room in advance, during the discussion, the employee, the supervisor and HR should be present. Secondly, all materials should be completed in advance such as the termination letter package and ready to discuss, which includes (termination date, final pay, benefits, who to contact, etc.). Additionally if severance is applicable then it should be included in the package. The meeting should be kept brief, however, the employee should be treated fairly and with respect.
  • What are the benefits of conducting an exit interview?
    Well designed and carefully executed exit interviews can provide you with a wealth of information on how to improve your organization. An exit interview is a meeting between an employee who is leaving the company and a company representative. This is a good time to learn your retention opportunities and review areas for improvement. Companies conduct exit interviews in order to get feedback about the job the employee held, the work environment, and the organization, and why the employee is leaving.
  • We are in the process of creating a health and safety board, what are the must have’s I need to put on the board to show I’m compliant?
    As an employer you have an obligation to post a number of items on your employee bulletin boards, failure to do so can lead to tickets, compliance orders and in some cases even fines. The MOL (Ministry of Labour) has recently updated a document called “Posting and Training requirements”, which states what must be posted in the workplace: Occupational Health and Safety Act Health and Safety Poster Workplace Violence Policy Workplace Harassment Policy Names and work locations of JH&S members Health and Safety Meeting minutes WSIB poster – In case of Injury 1234 Names of first aiders
  • Does the AODA apply to my organization? And are we obligated to have this policy in place?
    Under the AODA, employers are required to meet certain requirements as these implementation phases will depend upon the size of your organization. The first phase came into effect in 2012. Employers with 20 or more employees must file a compliance report and should already have their plan, policy and training in place. Additionally, companies with more than 50 employees are required to have a plan, policy, self-service kiosks and website standards in place. You may be subjected to fines if you are not in compliance.
  • When is an employer obligated to have a Health and Safety Joint Committee in place?
    In Ontario under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, workplaces with six or more workers are required to have a health and safety representative, selected by the workers. If the workplace uses certain substances, the health and safety requirements start with the first worker. At 20 workers, a Joint Health and Safety Committee is required. The committee must have at least two members, at least one of whom is a worker (non-manager). At 50 workers, the committee must have at least four members, at least two of whom are workers (non-managers).
  • Why do my Supervisors need safety training?
    Under the OSHA, the employer has an obligation to ensure that their Supervisors are trained and understand their roles and responsibilities when supervising employees. The Supervisors are responsible for their safety and need to ensure their working environment is safe. If a supervisor is found in violation of the act they may face a fine or imprisonment.
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