Legislative Compliance
Providing a healthy, safe and secure work environment is not just a concern for manufacturing facilities only. All organizations need to be aware of issues pertaining to health, safety and security of their employees, vendors, clients and customers.
Health and Safety
Under the OHSA (Occupational Health and Safety Act), it assigns duties an employer is accountable for such as:
Taking all reasonable precautions to protect the health and safety of workers
Ensuring that equipment, materials and protective equipment are maintained in good condition;
Providing information, instruction and supervision to protect worker health and safety;
Co-operating with the JHSC (Joint Health and Safety Committee).
The MOL (Ministry of Labor) conducts regular on site visits to establishments without prior notice to conduct audits. Safety violations are very costly and if you are not proactive you can be faced with heavy fines and penalty from the ministry of labor and possibly shutting down your facility. In summary, its good business practice to ensure you are proactive and forward thinking in maintaining compliance with the OHSA.
Conduit HR values Health and Safety, we will analyze and review your existing program and/or develop and implement a solid occupational health and safety program based on your readiness and capacity. We know what works best and have created a comprehensive health and safety policies and procedures manual that takes into account the OHSA and Regulations, various C.S.A. Standards, Ontario Fire Code requirements and Industry Best Practices. This policies and procedures manual can be customized or is available in a general program.
For a complimentary copy of a free sample, please email us at cehibudu@conduithr.com
Health and Safety Programs
These can be overwhelming for the employer when faced with an audit from WSIB. What causes the audits are steady increases of accident rates. The audit is very thorough and detailed whereby all your safety rules, policies, procedures and documentation will be reviewed.
Did you know that any business that employs five (5) or more workers can be subjected to a WSIB WorkWell audit. All businesses, regardless of size, must have a safety program in place.
Conduit HR can help! We have experience in work well audit preparation with our clients and health and safety programs. We will review your current program and assist you in the preparation to meet the requirements.
Contact us for a free consultation